Web Hosting

Anti DDoS protection hosting firm from right now

Best rated offshore hosting provider: Control is one of the elements that goes into a business’s success. Unfortunately, there will always be factors outside your organization’s control when it comes to its own operations, and in today’s market, even a tiny bit of useless downtime may have a pronouncedly negative impact. Your services’ downtime results in lost output, money, and brand reputation. The good news is that you can take steps to hasten your recovery even if there may be no way for you to stop or even predict the calamities that might possibly impact your business. Cloud-based services offer rapid data recovery in all types of emergency situations, including power outages and natural catastrophes. Only 9% of non-cloud users could make the same claim, but 20% of cloud users claim catastrophe recovery in four hours or less. 43% of IT leaders who recently responded to a study stated they intended to invest in or upgrade cloud-based disaster recovery solutions. Find more information at

The expression “Offshore” usually implies tax-saving services, different offshore jurisdictions, and the reduction of dependency on in-house solutions. When it comes to hosting services, offshore hosting is a service where your data is hosted on a server outside your country. Any anonymous VPS – Virtual Private Server with overseas datacenters is an offshore hosting solution. Offshore hosting lets you host anonymous content that might be controversial or restricted in your country, thanks to a different offshore jurisdiction. Moreover, offshore hosting solutions hide your digital footprint and your true identity.

Defense against DNS query flood, DNS reply flood, and DNS cache poisoning attacks; source limit. Detection and auto mitigation, Defense against SYN flood, SYN-ACK flood, ACK flood, FIN flood, RST flood, TCP fragment flood, UDP flood, UDP fragment flood, IP flood, ICMP flood, TCP connection flood, sockstress, TCP retransmission, and TCP empty connection attacks. Defense against NTP, DNS, SSDP, Chargen, TFTP, SNMP, NetBIOS, QOTD, Quake Network Protocol, Portmapper, RIPv1, and Steam Protocol reflection amplification attacks. Filters, Location-based filtering, DDoS attack signature database and IP reputation features included.

Shared Hosting vs VPS Hosting: A Comparison! You can avoid this problem by using VPS, as the partitioned servers make sure each website works accordingly. However, if you lack the technical knowledge of how to take care of your virtual private server you should consider your options. When poorly managed, it can lead to a whole bunch of other problems. If you are looking for more advanced options for your site, VPS hosting is more suitable than a shared hosting plan. It grants you root access to the server, so you can install your own OS and software to optimize site performance and security. In contrast, using a shared hosting plan limits you only to standardized server setups. This might be more convenient for people who don’t want to meddle with server management tasks on their own.

It is also easy and practical for Offshore Web Hosts to bypass some of the legal barriers which many Hosting Providers in your country may face, such as DMCA takedown notices or other legal challenges based on regional law. Offshore Hosting Providers usually have higher bandwidth rates and more powerful servers. This is because laws regarding the maximum amount of data that can be transferred from a server to a user per month are not as strict as those which apply within an individual country.

What is Offshore Storage VPS? Offshore storage VPS is a hosting arrangement in which your websites and applications run on servers located in a country different from where you run your business. For certain businesses, especially those that handle sensitive, copyrighted, or DMCA content, offshore storage VPS ensures server uptime and security. Whether using your server for bitcoin or just want more privacy, an offshore dedicated server keeps your online business safe by making it more difficult for governments or other authorities to touch. In countries experiencing censorship or the repression of free speech, an offshore dedicated server ensures your safety and connectivity to the world.

Government Interest in Business Activities: Another fact of life is government interest in pretty much every activity of human life. Business and communication are at the top of their list. Through regulations, taxes, censorship, and criminalization, governments of all countries make it difficult (or, at least, less profitable) to engage in certain types of businesses or say certain types of things. Advantages of Anonymity and Offshore Hosting: Hosting your business website(s) abroad is a big decision. Businesses and individuals often use offshore hosting in order to reduce legal risks.

Everybody hates a web site that takes too long to load, and more often than not, on a website that is taking too long to load, we just click away. As this post is intended for website design, I won’t be diving too much into the depths of website optimization, but among all the website speed optimization tips you’ll get from an expert, the most important advice for a website to have a faster response time is to avoid excessively large images. We might be tempted to upload our images as high resolution as we can get them so that we can have the best quality images possible. But this will lead to longgggg load time. So tools such as tiny jpeg or are really helpful and easy ways to reduce the file sizes of your images without losing much discernible quality.

Improved Security: By choosing an offshore dedicated server, you’ll improve the security of your hosted web services. Dedicated servers have enhanced security because, as unlike shared servers, they serve only one user. When one server has multiple users, it is more vulnerable to malware attacks. But when you’re all by yourself in the server space, your server is way more secure. Want to know more about shared vs dedicated servers? Check out our guide. Find additional info at

Protect your identity and financial information from hackers who may be on the prowl with our secure VPS Bitcoin Hosting services. All of our Bitcoin hosting plans come with premium security enhancements to help you enjoy premium web features at the most affordable prices. All Bitcoin transactions are safely secured through military-grade cryptography practices which ensure the strongest level of protection. All Bitcoin hosting plans come with advanced Anti-DDoS protection services for cutting edge hosting. Our overall uptime of network always exceeds 99.9%. We put extensive time into the monitorization and renewal of all technology to maintain this percentage. Our dedicated team of trained technicians monitor Lyra Hosting’s unique infrastructure 24x7x36 for swift support and on-the-spot issue resolution without the need for wait times.

Why are your servers located in Netherlands? Power costs less in Netherlands than any other European or American city and an offshore hosting service can pass on these savings to customers. LyraHosting is a Company established in the Hosting industry and expanding since 2017. With hundreds of servers, our focus is entirely in the quality and professionalism.