Hypoallergenic dog food out of insects

Dog food from insects ? Sounds strange right ? But this type of food is nature friendly, healthy and ecological. TV vet Dr. Rory Cowlam thinks so. He said: “As a keen conservationist and dog-lover, I am incredibly excited by the enormous potential for this dog food to reduce our pets’ collective carbon pawprint. Grubs are high in protein, fats, minerals and amino acids. Also claims “they’re even easier to digest than chicken, so they’re perfect for pets with sensitive stomachs”. “Animals and humans have been eating insects since the dawn of time and we believe Eat-Small is the future of pet food”.

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Reproduction of zebrafish

Like many other cyprinids, danio rerio does not show too much parental care, spawning often and in a large aquarium, it will be difficult to establish adequate control.

We may be surprised from time to time, to find a small group of fry swimming, without having had time to react. If we want to have a number of small zebrafish, we must prepare a breeding aquarium.

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