General Health

High quality foot odor products

Best foot odor products: Sweaty feet create a warm, moist environment that’s perfect for bacteria and fungi growth. Certain bacteria produce an odor, causing stinky feet. You may be more prone to developing stinky feet in warm weather, if you wear tight shoes, or you are on your feet all day. These are all things that can make your feet sweatier. At-home and over-the-counter remedies can get rid of stinky feet. Keep feet dry by wearing moisture-wicking socks, alternating the shoes you wear, and going barefoot at home. Imagine this: You finally get to sit down and take off your tight, uncomfortable shoes after walking around in them all day. But you’re too afraid of the smell to do it. See extra info on

If you are looking to get rid of sweaty, stinky, or itchy feet, try this all-in-one solution: O Naturals Tea Tree & White Clay Foot Powder. The natural formula is powered by potent organic ingredients that make it suitable for all skin types. These include kaolin white clay that eliminates odor and sweat to give you softer feet and arrowroot powder that absorbs moisture to keep your feet dry. This gentle foot powder is also enriched with a blend of healing ingredients like tea tree oil that provides antibacterial and antifungal benefits to treat skin conditions like athlete’s foot. The cooling peppermint oil in the formula calms irritation, diminishes redness, and controls odor while keeping your skin fresh. The aloe vera in the powder soothes and treats dry or cracked skin and reduces irritation.

Smelly feet are a common issue that afflicts many individuals. Find out the different causes smelly feet, how to prevent them, and how to get rid. Smelly feet are a common issue that afflicts many individuals. Increased temperatures and inadequate air circulation make smelly feet more common in the summer than winter. Although a widespread complaint, smelly feet can harm your romantic life, social life, and confidence. A nasty pong when you kick off your shoes at a gathering – or worse, your crush’s place – might cause embarrassment. In this article, we’ll explain what causes smelly feet, how to prevent them, and how to get rid of them if you currently have them. Read many more details on

Dealing with issues like corn, acne, and blemishes on the feet can be tiring. This is where foot powders do their magic. They are infused with medicinal ingredients and crafted to treat foot infections. Have a look at the below infographic to know more wonders that foot powders can do to your feet and learn how to apply them to keep your feet feeling fresh. Say goodbye to concerns like foot acne, blemishes, calluses, and corns with the help of foot powders that absorb sweat and keep them odor-free, soft, smooth, and healthy. The infused medicinal ingredients in these formulas treat infections like ringworms and athlete’s foot. No matter what season it is, the foot powders always keep your legs cool, dry, and comfortable all day long.

If you’re looking for a reliable foot powder to keep your feet dry and odor-free, count on Lotrimin Daily Sweat & Odor Control Medicated Foot Powder. We’ve been using this foot powder for a few weeks now and has made a big difference on foot smell and sweating. It applies easily and the finish is fine and non-powderly; no powdery deposits or lumps. It is also free of talc something that will go well for all those who have been regular users of talc only to realize that it poses some health risks to them. However, this foot powder is not quite potent to deal with the most persistent cases of foul smell from the feet or infected with fungal microbes. N’ nonetheless, for minor and average transmitted cases of the skin disease it is recommended. We also like that it’s in a shaker bottle – this makes it easy to apply and cuts down on spills and wasted product.

Essential oils are a great way to promote healing and stop smelly feet. A foot rub that includes lavender oil can help eliminate odors. You’ll want to simply place a few drops of lavender oil on your feet and be sure to rub it in well. Lavender helps kill the bacteria leading to your smelly feet. Massage the oil on the bottom and top of your feet. Also, be sure to rub the oil between your toes where bacteria can cause foul smelling feet. Make sure to put your socks back on your feet before bed to enhance the potency of your foot rub. Want to enjoy a nice foot soak? You can neutralize your foot odor with a warm water foot soak. Simply fill up a foot basin with warm or cold water, add in 1/3 a cup of apple cider vinegar and soak your feet for 15 minutes. You can perform this foot soak multiple times per day if necessary. Apple cider vinegar may have antimicrobial properties, according to one study, that can help you put an end to your stinky feet problem.