
Chemical resistant gloves supplier with Excia

Chemical resistant gloves wholesale manufacturer with Excia: We are Asia user-oriented Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) solution provider where we have been serving Asian’s users more than 22 years by empowering people to work efficiently in a comfortable and safe environment. Our mission is to create a comfortable workplace that assists business and households enhance efficiency and productivity. We do this because comfortability, functionality, and dexterity in PPE are necessary now more than ever. Read even more information on chemical resistant gloves.

TEMRES® Technology renders gloves breathable and waterproof, a combination of opposing but important features offered in a single glove. Revolutionary at the time of its launch, its uniqueness and many benefits have since become recognised in the market. Exploiting the significant size difference between the lower molecular energy of liquid water and the higher energy of water vapour, two main membranes are created in the glove that enable the TEMRES® effect: one for breathability, and one for water resistance.

Arcylic: A polymer that is resistant to water, common solvents, acids and weak alkalis, and that is resistant to abrasion and to traction. Soft and warm, it insulates you from the cold. Mixed with cotton, it makes the knit more lightweight. Aramid: It is lightweight, supple, comfortable and washable. It provides effective protection from cuts (above level 5, with stainless steel reinforcing) and from convective heat and offers durability and performance that far exceed that of leather (5 times higher) and cotton (3 times higher).

For protective gloves claiming impact resistance. Measures dissipation of force by the area of protection upon an impact of a domed anvil at an impact energy of 5 joules. Testing is carried out in accordance with the impact protection test for motorcycle protective gloves of EN 13594:2015 standard. A letter “P” is added on successful pass, while a fail remains unmarked. Level X can also be applied for a – f above, which means “not tested”. EN 511:2011 : This standard applies to any gloves to protect the hands against convective and contact cold down to -50ºC.

Eco Best: Same glove, better for the planet An industry first, SHOWA’s Eco Best Technology® (EBT) offers the same glove with no compromise in its quality, performance, and protection – but better for the planet. EBT accelerates the biodegradation of nitrile to organic compounds in biologically active landfills, an ability validated by independent certified laboratories using international test methods ASTM D5511 and D5526. Thanks to its special composition, SHOWA EBT gloves decompose within 1 to 5 years in active landfills, where regular nitrile gloves require over 100 years, thus reducing the impact gloves have on the environment.

Excellent Grip Performance: Our machinery gloves with special coating materials provide the maximum grip in light oil conditions to increase work efficiency and product protection. Elevate Productivity: Unmatched comfort from ergonomic design alleviates stress and allows automotive workers to perform tasks to their full potential. Cost Effectiveness: Gloves are made with highly durable materials that withstand heavy usage and result in cost performance. Ultimate Full Body Protection: Specialised materials used in protective clothing and gloves to safeguard automotive workers from chemical spray and splashes. Standards & Quality: Our protective wear is in compliance with CE standards. Read additional info on