Real Estate

Real estate crowdfunding solutions in real time from

Best real estate crowdfunding platforms right now and investment advices: Another key criteria to check criteria investing – track record. This is not an easy one to check and validate as platforms are providing information on their websites, which can be changed and is hard to check the log. Nevertheless some real estate crowdfunding platforms provide audited financial statements with key statistics and financial information. On a side some platforms provide statistical information how they have progressed over time in terms of capital raised, registered users, failed projects and etc. Before choosing a real estate crowdfunding platform, make sure to check at least the following two critera: financial information of the platform if available; Statistical information on how the platform is performing; It is also highly recommended to consult with friends or other community members on the feedback of the real estate crowdfunding platform. Discover even more information at real estate crowdfunding platforms.

Crowdfunded real estate providers can offer investors access to exclusive private market property investments that may otherwise be unavailable to general audiences. Likewise, they tend to offer higher returns than publicly traded REITs, reflecting the higher degree of risk that may be associated with these investments. As with any private investment holding that you’re considering money behind though, it’s important to do your research and homework up-front, and not to overextend yourself financially. Rather than serve as a primary way to generate wealth, real estate crowdfunding is typically used as a way to expand and diversify one’s financial holdings while also maintaining an overall balanced portfolio of financial investments, including stocks, bonds, and other equity holdings.

How Can You Start in Real Estate Crowdfunding? Crowdfunding platforms connect sponsors and real estate investors. To get started in real estate crowdfunding, research the various crowdfunding sites to find an opportunity that interests you—whether that’s an individual property or a fund that owns dozens of properties. Pay close attention to the platform’s vetting process for deals as well as its sponsors. The top platforms employ high levels of due diligence to make sure that sponsors—and any deals offered by the sponsors—have been rigorously evaluated.

Risk profile: Real estate crowdfunding platforms are regulated by central banks and one of the requirement is to have a risk scoring methodology which typically ranges from A to D-E. Risk assessment methodologies are not publicly available but the general scale – A contains the lowers risk, whereas D-E, the highest risk. Risk methodologies are approved by central banks. Crowdbulls does not include this ratio in the comparison tables as scale is not available and B from one platform could not be compared to the B in other platform.

Fundrise: Fundrise allows even nonaccredited investors to quickly get started with real estate crowdfunding and start buying into both residential and commercial properties by teaming up with other investors. Any sums that you wish to invest are pooled into REITs, and used to purchase properties, buy land, develop real estate, and otherwise pursue private real estate deals. A simple to use and intuitive website makes the process of online real estate investment approachable. However, be aware that the privately held investments it offers may be highly illiquid and will largely appeal to long-term investors. Noting the speculative nature of these opportunities, any investments should accordingly be subject to due diligence up-front.

What Is Real Estate Crowdfunding? Crowdfunding is a method for raising money for businesses and an easier way to access such ventures for investors. Crowdfunding utilizes the Internet and social media outlets, such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, to reach an audience of potential investors. The idea behind crowdfunding is that many people are willing to invest a small amount, and when they do, large sums of money can be raised quite quickly. Crowdfunding offers companies access to capital that they might never be able to raise. Crowdfunding offers investors the ability to become shareholders in a company or in a real estate property. Find extra details on

What is a real estate crowdfunding? Real estate crowdfunding is a capital raising process, during which capital for real estate project financing is being raised from the public via open sources. Developers are using real estate crowdfunding process, when bank financing considers this as of a higher risk project and other alternative capital raising sources are not available. A typical element in real estate crowdfunding is real estate pledge as a security for the investors.


Omega 3 Fish Oil Extreme online shopping right now

Best rated Hair And Skin Supplements online shopping: Daily Multivitamin is a high-quality multivitamin for men and women derived from real food ingredient. While you can aim to eat a healthy, balanced diet, a multivitamin works to fill in any nutritional gaps that may occur. The signature one-a-day vitamin and mineral supplement is formulated with B vitamins for energy support, vitamins C and E to promote immune function, and 10 micrograms of vitamin D to help maintain healthy bones. The product is versatile and can be used by men or women of any age, although it may not be optimal for those over 55, and pregnant women should always take a prenatal. It can be taken any time of day and is gentle enough to be taken on an empty stomach. See additional details at appetite suppressant powder in a pill.

Buy smaller plates and bowls: Studies show that as portions have increased over the years, so has our plate size. Instead of leaving half your plate empty when serving yourself, which may make you feel as if you’re being deprived, simply purchase smaller plates and bowls. Ingest the Healthy Fats: For too many years, we’ve been told to eat a low-fat diet to lose weight. This advice is wrong. When you eat a small amount of very healthy fats every day, you will become less inclined to overeat. Healthy fats include cold-pressed, non-processed oils such as virgin olive oil, unrefined coconut oil, walnut oil or sunflower seed oil.

Nano Singapore is a local online wellness brand. According to the brand, it is known for its effective and affordable beauty and health supplements. It also won bronze for Best in eCommerce (Marketplace / eRetailer) – Beauty & Wellness, and silver for Best in eCommerce (Brands) – Beauty & Wellness at MARKETING-INTERACTIVE’s Asia eCommerce Awards 2021. In an interview, Dr John Lee (pictured), Naturopathic Nutrition Advisor, Nano Singapore told MARKETING-INTERACTIVE that during the pandemic, it had to work on appealing to Millennials and Gen Z, which accounted for the most purchasing power in the online market. He also shared the highs and lows of riding through the pandemic as a wellness brand.

Ginger essential oil, for example, is known to promote your digestive health by easing indigestion, constipation and ulcers. A study published in the World Journal of Gastroenterology found that ginger oil stimulated gastric emptying in people with indigestion. Ginger oil is also used to relieve gas, reduce nausea and ease abdominal pain. Another useful essential oil for digestion is peppermint. Research shows that peppermint oil works to provide rapid relief of IBS symptoms. In a 4-week, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial, 72 patients with IBS received either peppermint oil or placebo. The peppermint group experienced a 40 percent reduction in total IBS symptoms after 4 weeks, which was superior to the 24 percent decrease of symptoms reported by the patients in the placebo group. After just 24 hours of using peppermint oil, the treatment group experienced a decrease in symptoms of 19.6 percent. Some other essential oils that may be helpful for digestion include fennel, lemongrass, marjoram, black pepper and juniper berry.

It’s very hard to get the vitamin D you need from your diet; oily fish and fortified dairy products are the only important sources. So supplements do make good sense for most adults. The form known as vitamin D3 is usually recommended, but D2 is also effective; for best results, take your vitamin D along with a meal that has some fat. If you want to be sure you need this supplement, ask for a blood test; levels of at least 30 nanograms per milliliter are considered best. Do not take antioxidant supplements. One exception: people with moderate or advanced age-related macular degeneration (AMD) benefit from special antioxidant supplements that also contain zinc. Unfortunately, though, this preparation does nothing to prevent AMD in people who have healthy eyes.

Blackcurrant: Another Super Fruit due to it’s wide array of beneficial phytonutrients. During World War 2, the blackcurrant was used as a replacement for oranges and other fruits rich in Vitamin C as they were hard to come by in the United Kingdom. Blackcurrant fruit is extraordinarily rich in Vitamin C and far superior to navel oranges – containing more than three times as much as an orange. It also contains a good amount of calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iron and vitamin E. Blackcurrants are a great food for increasing energy and the seeds are rich in unsaturated fatty acids. Packed with Antioxiants (anthocyanins, a type of polyphenol) and Phytonutrients, a recent scientific study has revealed that the natural chemicals and compounds found in blackcurrants may help balance the impact exercise can have on the body.

Plenty of data has suggested that the majority of Americans have less than optimal levels of Vitamin D. That’s not surprising — the nutrient is tough to get from food (though canned salmon, milk and sardines are all good sources), and the only other method is sunlight. If you live north of Atlanta, the sun isn’t strong enough from November to March for you to make sufficient amounts. And even when you’re outside, most people are covered with clothing and/or sunscreen. Most experts agree that supplementing with at least 1000 IUs daily is a good start.

Go on a detox? Still feeling bloated or constipated? People often think of diarrhoea when they hear the word ‘detox’ but the detox we are talking about is merely supporting your body’s natural cleansing process with natural enzymes, probiotics and vitamins that also help to regulate blood sugar levels. Through a detox, not only would you bring your digestive system back to it’s optimal level, it will also promote healthy skin! Nano Singapore’s 15 Day Colon Detox Formula can be purchased from while Princessa’s Detox Gummies can be purchased from

The Yahoo Shopping team loves shopping and especially appreciates the convenience of online shopping. Imagine the immediate gratification of same-day deliveries (Hello Amazon Singapore), deep savings using vouchers and credit card promotions (Hey there, Shopee and Lazada) and the smorgasbord variety of products from the WWW at your fingertips (iherb, here’s looking at you)! As avid online shoppers ourselves, we understand that it is a shopping minefield out there. That’s why we always advise shoppers to practise due caution, especially when shopping for supplements online. Yahoo Shopping spoke with a Naturopathic Nutrition Advisor from Nano Singapore, Dr John Lee who shares unreservedly the common misconceptions about dietary supplements, pitfalls of shopping for health supplements online, and expert tips on how to prevent spending truckloads of money on fake products online. We hope you benefit from his advice as much as we did.

Nano Singapore was started on a simple, powerful idea: To Help People Live Happier Through Wellness Innovation. From humble origins in the small city-state of Singapore, Nano Singapore is now Singapore’s Favorite Award-Winning Wellness Brand with a regional presence. After an international trip to learn about the latest developments in naturopathic medicine, Singaporean entrepreneur Jijin Fu was inspired to develop his own range of herbal and vitamin supplements back in Singapore. His belief in the all-natural health-giving properties of herbs and minerals led him to develop a whole system of preventive based on naturopathic principles. See more info on


IT cybersecurity advices by Benjamin Dynkin 2023

Best rated cybersecurity recommendations from Benjamin Dynkin and Atlas Cybersecurity? Your top priority when beefing up your security infrastructure is probably going to be protecting the business itself. You want to ensure that no one can destroy your systems, steal your data or otherwise compromise your business. But you also have to secure your website for the sake of your customers, who submit their personal information through it and trust you to keep it safe. Hackers exploit flaws in your site’s coding and scripting — any weakness can be a route into your system. Experts say that unless a site has been audited by a security team, chances are it’s rife with weaknesses. Credit card-payment processors are also common targets, so even if your site is ship-shape, your customers are still vulnerable from that angle. For that reason, sometimes it’s best for small businesses to use a service like PayPal to process payments and protect customer information. Find even more details at Benjamin Dynkin Atlas Cybersecurity.

Use Multiple Authentication Methods. Authentication is the act of confirming an identity (whether a user, machine, or device) by comparing provided credentials against an existing database of authorized identities before allowing access to a given system or application. For example, think of entering your username and password before gaining access to your email account. However, rather than relying on passwords alone, which have grown increasingly unreliable, we recommend using multiple factors for the authentication process. Authentication factors include something you know (e.g. username/password, answer to security question), something you have (e.g. Digital Certificate, smart card), and something you are (e.g. fingerprint, facial recognition).

Whether you’re a regular business traveler, or a high-tech adventurer seeker, traveling—particularly abroad—poses unique cyber security threats. Business travelers are especially vulnerable because they often carry sensitive data, both personal and business related, on a variety of devices including smartphones, laptops, and tablets. Security is no longer a one-machine affair. You need a security suite that helps protect all your devices – your Windows PC, Mac, Android smartphone or your iPad. Don’t cancel your travel plans just yet.

Protect Your Sensitive Personal Identifiable Information (PII). Personal Identifiable Information (PII) is any information that can be used by a cybercriminal to identify or locate an individual. PII includes information such as name, address, phone numbers, data of birth, Social Security Number, IP address, location details, or any other physical or digital identity data. In the new “always-on” world of social media, you should be very cautious about the information you include online. It is recommended that you only show the very minimum about yourself on social media. Consider reviewing your privacy settings across all your social media accounts, particularly Facebook. Adding your home address, birthdate, or any other PII information will dramatically increase your risk of a security breach. Hackers use this information to their advantage!

Benjamin Dynkin and Atlas Cybersecurity about data breaches: How do Data Breaches happen? The assumption is that a data breach is caused by an outside hacker, but that’s not always true. Reasons for how data breaches happen might sometimes be traced back to intentional attacks. However, it can just as easily result from a simple oversight by individuals or flaws in a company’s infrastructure. Here’s how a data breach can occur: An Accidental Insider. An example would be an employee using a co-worker’s computer and reading files without having the proper authorization permissions. The access is unintentional, and no information is shared. However, because it was viewed by an unauthorized person, the data is considered breached.